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Covering the Soil

15 Jun




I had so much fun yesterday! I spent almost the entire day in the garden. While the older half of the family was out working hard, my day was spent playing with the kids. I felt a little guilty to be enjoying the day so much, until I remembered that weeding, mulching, raking, laundry and cooking is actually work. I just happen to love my job!

The first picture above shows how my soil looked at the beginning of the season. After a dear friend sent me the link to a website called Back to Eden I started to re-evaluate my plans. If you happen to be interested in gardening, I highly recommend taking the time to watch Paul Gautschi’s film. He has a free version on his site.

I am blessed to have a son that delivered two loads of mulch to help me get started, a great crew at home to help me spread it, and plenty of mouths to consume the harvest!

Oh! I almost forgot. Yes, that is a bed frame you see in the garden! It is our creative way to tie up the tomatoes rather than buying a ton of tomato cages. We’ll see…